
We focus on the problem of symmetric key distribution for securing shared resources among large groups of users in distributed applications like cloud storage, shared databases, and collaborative editing, among others. In such applications, resources such as data, are sensitive in nature and it is necessary that only authorized users are allowed access without the presence of on-line monitoring system. The de-facto approach is to encrypt a shared resource and deploy a key distribution mechanism, which enables only authorized users to generate the respective decryption key for the resource. The key distribution approach has two major challenges: first, the applications are dynamic i.e., users might join and leave arbitrarily, and second, for a large number of users, it is required that the cryptographic technique be scalable and efficient. In this work, we describe an approach that overcomes these challenges by using two key techniques: first, flattening the access structure and applying efficient symmetric key distribution techniques. By flattening the access structure, we reduce the problem to that of key distribution of a resource among all the users sharing that resource. We consider this smaller flattened access structure and devise a unified key distribution technique that is sufficient for key distribution across all such structures. Our key distribution techniques have an important feature of a public secret and a private secret, which allows the group controller to publish updates to the keying material using the public secret and therefore, does not necessitate the users to be in constant communication with the group controller. Using this model we describe two efficient key distribution techniques that scale logarithmically with the group size and also handle group additions and removals. Furthermore, a user can be off-line for any amount of time and need not be aware of the dynamics of the system, which is important as it overcomes the problems posed by lossy channels. We have performed an experimental evaluation of our scheme against a popular existing scheme and show that they perform better for this scheme with the same security guarantees. As our approaches are easy to implement they are especially suitable for practical applications where security is viewed as an overhead rather than as a necessity.

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