
(Chapter Headings): Introduction. Part I: Basic Theory with Applications to Image Information Retrieval. Image Data Structures. 2D Strings. Generalized 2D Strings. Local Operators and Spatial Relations. Applications to Image Information Retrieval. Part II: Advanced Theory with Applications to Spatial Reasoning. An Image Algebra. Transformations. Generalized Symbolic Projection. Spatial Reasoning and Applications. Part III: Active Image Information Systems. Visual Queries. Active Indexing. Extensions to Higher Dimensions. The (-tree Spatial Data Model. A Survey of Image Information Systems and Future Directions. Bibliography. Subject Index. Introduction: Image Information Systems. A Conceptual Framework. Two Examples of Image Information Retrieval and Spatial Reasoning. Organization of the Book. Part I: Basic Theory with Applications to Image Information Retrieval: Image Data Structures: Introduction. The Object Data Structure. Run-Length Code. Other Spatial Data Structures. Characteristic Attributes. The (-tree Structure. 2D Strings: 2D String Representation of Symbolic Pictures. Picture Reconstruction Froma 2D String. Picture Matching by 2D String Matching. Iconic Indexing. Characterization of Ambiguous Pictures. Summary. Generalized 2D Strings: Variable-sized Grids. Image Segmentation by Cutting Lines. Definition of Generalized 2D String. The EmptySpace Object. Projection Types. A Taxonomy of 2D and 3D Strings. Local Operators and Spatial Relations: Extensions of the Original Operator Set. Further Extensions to the Operator Set. The Sparse Cutting Mechanism (Lee and Hsu). Polar and ConcentricCuttings. Orthogonal Relations. Partly Related Methods. Applications to Image Information Retrieval: Image Database Queries. An Intelligent Image Database System. (Chang et al.) Similarity Retrieval. CAD Database (Hildebrandt and Tang). Geographical Information Systems (GIS) (Sun). Retrieval of Similar Chinese Characters (Chang and Lin). 3D Image Database Querying (Del Bimbo et al.) Medical Image Database System (Kostomanolakis, et al.) Part II: Advanced Theory with Applications to Spatial Reasoning: An Image Algebra: Background. Basic Global Operators and the Partition Technique. The Empty Space Object. Laws of the Generalized Empty Space. Object Manipulation Rules. Unification. Overlapping Objects. Operator Precedence. Remarks.Transformations: Hierarchies. Generalized 2D Strings and Local Operators. Transformations of Algebraic Expressions into a Tile Graph. Rotations. Interval Projections to Achieve Rotation Invariance. Compacting Algebraic Expressions. Generalized Symbolic Projection: Generalized Projection. Line Segment Relations. Directions. Distances. Path Projection. Polar Projection. Transformations Between the Qualitative Systems. Spatial Reasoning and Applications: Introduction to Qualitative SpatialReasoning. Other Reasoning Approaches. Symbolic Projection Applied to Route Planning (Holmes and Jungert). Part III: Active Image Information Systems: Visual Queries: Representation of the Information Space. Strategies for Visual Reasoning.Visual Query Systems for Image Databases. Taxonomy of Visual Querying Paradigms. Database Interaction Techniques. An Experimental Multiparadigmatic Visual Interface. Conclusion. Active Indexing: Introduction. The Index Cell. The Active Index System.Active Index for Smart Images. Reversible Index for Feature-Based Indexing. Applying Active Indexing and Spatial Reasoning to Disaster Management. Active Index for Image Information Systems. Extensions to Higher Dimensions: Iconic Indexing for 3D Scenes (Costagolia et al). 3D Strings for Binary Pictures. Image Sequence Compression (Arndt and Chang). Spatiotemporal Indexing (Del Bimbo and Vicario). The (-tree Spatial Data Model: The Basic Principles. The General View. A Compact Model. Operations. Projecting (R onto 2D Planes. Spatial Query Models. Concluding Remarks. A Survey of Image Information Systems and Future Directions:$>gt Indexing and Data Structures. A Survey of Image Information Systems. Data Models. Conclusion. Bibliography. Subject Index.

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