
Srandul is a traditional art form in Kampung Bumen, Kotagede, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The Purba Budaya group is preserving this art because its activities hold symbolic meanings associated with the noble values for the residents of Kampung Bumen. The objective of this research is to describe the symbolic meanings of noble values in the Srandul art produced by Purba Budaya in Bumen Village, Kotagede. The study is based on a single case study. It employs informants, literature studies, documents and archives, and visual data as data sources, and interviews, observations, and documentation as data collection techniques. The informants were purposefully selected based on their gender, age and level of education. Data was analysed using interactive model analysis, which included three main elements: data reduction, data display, and deriving conclusions and verification. Data triangulation was used to ensure data validity. The paper concludes that noble values in Srandul include: the nature of life, the nature of work and work ethic, the relationships between people and Nature, perception of time, and the relationship between people and others. These values are symbolized by the offerings, story content (play), the rehearsal process, puring leaves in the middle of the Srandul performance arena, joke scenes (dagelan) in the middle of the Srandul story, and various combinations of clothes worn in Srandul art.

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