
The extreme light infrastructure attosecond light pulse source offers beamtime for users of various attosecond and particle sources driven by versatile laser systems. Here we report on the state of the art of a few-cycle, multi-TW, 1kHz repetition rate laser system, now fully operational in the facility. The system is based on four stages of optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs) pumped by a total of 320mJ, 80ps frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser pulses. All OPA stages utilize double crystal configuration, which design has been also confirmed by model calculations. The 1kHz SYLOS 2 system produces 32mJ laser pulses around a central wavelength of 891nm with 6.6fs (<2.3 optical cycles) pulse duration exceeding the peak power of 4.8 TW on a daily basis. The recorded best pulse duration is 6.3fs, which corresponds to 2.12 cycles and 5.1 TW peak power. During long-term (24h) performance tests, energy stability of 1.2%, carrier-envelope phase (CEP) stability of 210mrad, and pointing stability of 0.4µrad were demonstrated, while the Strehl ratio of the beam is kept above 0.75. In order to help the alignment of all the different experiments at the facility and to reduce the workload on SYLOS 2 system, a second laser system has been developed. The so-called SYLOS Experimental Alignment (SEA) laser mimicks the performance of the SYLOS 2 laser, but at a repetition rate two orders of magnitude lower and without CEP-stabilization. The three single-crystal OPA stages of the SEA laser provide 42mJ pulse energy for the users, while having energy stability of 0.87% and sub-13fs pulse duration at a repetition rate ranging from a single shot up to 10Hz.

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