
Health services are constantly met by greater demands on offering the best treatment and care based on quality and research. For that reason health workers and teachers in health care institutions and universities are working evidence-based. Hedmark University College and Hamar municipality have collaborated in two projects. The aim of this article is to illuminate the students’ learning outcomes in palliative care after participated in two evidence-based projects. Different written guides for conversations with patients, next of kin and staff, a log-book and an evaluation form were developed. Results show that the students learned about the significance of continuity in patients’ pain relief, spiritual and existential needs, and about palliative care in the municipality. The students concluded that they in some areas experienced greater learning outcomes from working with evidence-based practice than in their ordinary practice in the municipality.


  • Learning outcomes for nursing students illuminated by two evidence-based projects Health services are constantly met by greater demands on offering the best treatment and care based on quality and research

  • Innledning Det stilles stadig større krav til helsetjenesten om å tilby den beste behandling og pleie basert på kvalitet og forskning (Sandvik, Stokke og Nortvedt 2011)

  • En konsekvens er at høgskoler og deres praksisfelt søker å jobbe annerledes for å løse fremtidige omsorgsoppgaver gjennom ny teknologi, ny kunnskap, nye faglige metoder og organisatoriske endringer (Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet 2013; Kunnskapsdepartementet 2012)

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Learning outcomes for nursing students illuminated by two evidence-based projects Health services are constantly met by greater demands on offering the best treatment and care based on quality and research. Det var viktig med høy kompetanse og gode relasjoner mellom pasient, pårørende og pleiere for å ivareta pasientenes åndelig-eksistensielle behov og for kontinuitet i smertelindringen. Ved Lindrende enhet traff to av studentene igjen sine pasienter fra hjemmesykepleien, og det ble et gledelig gjensyn og en opplevelse av kontinuitet for både dem og pasientene.

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