
The Surface Water & Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission is a joint NASA/CNES mission launched on December 16th, 2022 dedicated to oceanography and continental hydrology. Once the scientific mission is over, SWOT will have to perform a controlled re-entry to comply with the French Space Operation Act (FSOA). Indeed, the launch authorization is subject to the respect of the FSOA, fully applicable since 2020. The main requirement applying to the end-of-life of the satellite consists in limiting the casualty area and then the probability of having a victim on ground under the threshold of 10−4 in case of a natural re-entry. With a mass over two tons and a casualty area of about 47 m2, SWOT cannot comply with this requirement. Thus, the platform has been designed with a specific propulsion system to carry out end-of-life maneuvers leading to an atmospheric re-entry and impact in the South Pacific Ocean Uninhabited Area (SPOUA). CNES is in charge of defining the re-entry maneuvers strategy, performing end-of-life operations and evaluating the risk of casualties in case of failure during nominal strategy. This paper addresses these topics. The computation of the ten maneuvers used to decrease the perigee altitude and finally target the SPOUA is performed using the DOORS tool. Before describing the maneuvers strategy, this paper presents an overview of the current functionalities of this tool, which has been already used during the five ATV missions and ASTRA-1K de-orbit twenty years ago. DOORS is mainly used for mission analysis purposes, but for end-of-life operations it can be activated by the operational Flight Dynamics System (FDS). Finally, the casualty risk estimation relies on the use of two other CNES tools, DEBRISK and ELECTRA, whose methods are presented. The list of surviving fragments has been computed using the new DEBRISK-V3 methodology in case of controlled and uncontrolled re-entry. The risk of human casualty is evaluated using ELECTRA and its Monte Carlo simulations. This tool generates numerous trajectories of the satellite and its fragments with various dispersed variables. The impact locations compared to an up-to-date grid of the World population lead to the probability of victims. The complete risk of SWOT controlled re-entry encompasses both the risk related to a failure during the last re-entry maneuver and the risk associated with the natural re-entry in case a failure occurs before this last burn (during the mission or during the first re-entry maneuvers). Both of them are weighted by their probability of occurrence.

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