
The intransigent concern of agriculture sector in Pakistan is to address the food security issue by providing the fiber, safe and nutritious food for growing population and feed and fodder for the livestock as well as ensuring modest export surpluses. To attain food secure and pro-poor agricultural growth, Pakistan needs to adopt wide-ranging approach towards increasing agricultural production by enhancing per unit productivity rather concentrating upon area expansion approach. Keeping in view the availability of natural resources (land, water, human labor), the management of human food, animal feed and fiber security in future is more challenging and difficult than it was in the past. This paper presents an encapsulated overview of Pakistani agriculture considering its strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. To study the aforementioned facts about Pakistan’s agriculture sector the SWOT analysis was performed. This paper focused on the agricultural development by performing a brief overview of agriculture sector, bringing out the salient characteristics, the inherent constraints, and problems. With a focus to simplify the performance and productivity in-line with sustainable growth in Pakistan, irrigation techniques, water management, value addition, storage and marketing system must be reformed and modernized regarding of food supply chain.

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