
The switching behaviors of polysaccharides-based resistive random access memories change substantially depending on the electrical inputs. Here, the switching dynamics of the device are presented by varying the applied current compliance (ICC) and voltage sweeping rate (v). The results show that the device resistance in the low-resistance state (RLRS) can be modulated over five orders of magnitude by varying ICC and v in the typical current- voltage measurements. The RLRS modulation is attributed to the variable tunneling gap between the filament tip and the top electrode (TE). Conductance quantization is observed once a single-atomic contact with resistance ≤12.9 kΩ is formed. Depending on the TEs, both integer and half-integer multiples of quantization levels are being observed, demonstrating its potential for multilevel data storage. In addition, the results unveil the stochastic strengthening and rupturing of the filament as modulated by periodic voltage pulses, thus enabling the device to operate in both volatile and nonvolatile modes. The device offers excellent switching dynamics for preliminary emulation of synapselike learning and forgetting behaviors in neural junctions for next-generation neuromorphic computing systems.

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