
Abstract In this paper, the first Australian operational radar-based three-dimensional (3D) wind analysis system named Synthetic Wind Information from Radar and Lidar (SWIRL) is described and evaluated. SWIRL employs a variational minimization formulation to combine results from four individual wind retrieval techniques of varied complexity to derive 3D winds in single-Doppler and multi-Doppler radar regions: a variational version of the traditional velocity azimuth display (VVAD) and double VAD (DVAD) techniques, a single-Doppler wind retrieval technique using optical flow horizontal wind proxies, and a multi-Doppler 3D wind retrieval technique. The SWIRL 3D wind components are evaluated against wind profiler observations and radar simulations using a very high-resolution (50 m) numerical simulation of a supercell thunderstorm. We find that SWIRL can retrieve very accurate horizontal winds, especially below 2-km height in the multi-Doppler regions, with mean absolute errors on wind speed and direction < 2 m s−1 and 10° on average and <2.5 m s−1 and 15°–20° 90% of the time. These errors do not increase noticeably with wind speed, highlighting the suitability of these retrieved winds to be used for damaging and destructive wind detection and nowcasting. The single-Doppler retrieval using optical flow is also found to provide reasonably accurate winds at these heights. The accurate retrieval of convective-scale updrafts and downdrafts, even using multi-Doppler information, is still a major challenge, with mean absolute errors of vertical velocity of about 50% on average. This can be attributed to the limitations of the current radar technology used operationally, imposing slow antenna speeds. Significance Statement Damaging and destructive winds have the potential to inflict significant damage to properties and assets and, tragically, result in loss of life. Efficient direction of emergency services to affected areas is essential for a prompt return to normal conditions. Wind farm operators require precise information on anticipated wind shifts to reduce the risk of energy grid failures. Strong winds also contribute to compound weather events, such as water ingress through hail-damaged roofs or structural damage to buildings caused by hailstones. The purpose of this work was to equip Australia with the first operational wind monitoring system, based on operational radar observations, to serve all these critical applications (and more).

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