
Swimming behavior of the sperm of Lygodium japonicum (Pteridophyta) and the associated ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus were studied by video microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The sperm has approximately 70 flagella that emerge from a sinistrally-coiled flagellar apparatus, and swims forward by ciliary beat of these flagella. Backward swimming was not observed even after sperm collided with obstacles. Video microscopy showed that the flagella of the swimming sperm are oriented laterally and oblique-anteriorly. TEM and SEM observations revealed that the basal bodies of these flagella are arranged in at least two rows and oriented in the same directions as observed by video microscopy. These basal bodies (flagella) are categorized into two types according to their orientation: group I (laterally directed) and group II (oblique-anteriorly directed). The directionality of the basal bodies appears to be fixed by electron-dense material around their base. The outer dynein arms of the flagellar axoneme are entirely absent. These morphological characteristics of basal bodies (flagella) may relate to the lack of backward swimming behavior of the sperm. Based on these results, the evolution of swimming behavior in the archegoniates is discussed in connection with lack of backward swimming in a distantly related green alga, Mesostigma viride, and the Streptophyta.

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