
DURING the War, sixty new power stations were built in Sweden, several of more than 40,000 kW. rating. The production of hydro-electric power in 1944 was 12,417 million kWh., and water-power plants now total about 2,500,000 kW. Further plants totalling about 600,000 kW. will be completed towards 1950, and works have been started for an additional 350,000 kW. The energy utilized in 1944 was 10,573 million kWh., of which 4,428 million kWh. were taken by the large industries for engine power, etc., while the electro-chemical and thermo-electric industries consumed 1,891 million kWh. About 1,040 million kWh. were used for traction purposes and 2,017 million kWh. for domestic purposes, etc. 1,093 million kWh. were used for electric steam-generation at night-time and during non-working hours.

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