
We present a new way of dynamically growing and breeding structures in 3D space through swarming agents. Different agent types and the way they evolve over time is specified by a swarm grammar similar to Lindenmayer systems. We expand common L-system string interpretation from a single turtle to a multitude of turtles which behave like a swarm. By describing swarm agents within the framework of formal grammars, we build a bridge from symbolic production systems (rewrite systems) to three-dimensional real-time construction procedures that are executed by reactive and interacting agents which move in simulated physical 3D spaces. We introduce constructor agents, their formal representation in swarm grammars and demonstrate by examples how (1) the swarm rules, (2) the agent parameters and (3) the environ ment can influence the actual construction and growth processes that are initiated and directed by the swarms. In order to facilitate exploration of a large variety of swarm grammars, we apply interactive evolutionary design methods to create swarm grammar sculptures and 3D structures.

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