
We study the cobordism conjecture of McNamara and Vafa which asserts that the bordism group of quantum gravity is trivial. In the context of type IIB string theory compactified on a circle, this predicts the presence of D7-branes. On the other hand, the non-Abelian structure of the IIB duality group $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ implies the existence of additional $[p,q]$ 7-branes. We find that this additional information is instead captured by the space of closed paths on the moduli space of elliptic curves parameterizing distinct values of the type IIB axio-dilaton. This description allows to recover the full structure of non-Abelian braid statistics for 7-branes. Combining the cobordism conjecture with an earlier Swampland conjecture by Ooguri and Vafa, we argue that only certain congruence subgroups $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}\ensuremath{\subset}SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ specifying genus zero modular curves can appear in 8D F-theory vacua. This leads to a successful prediction for the allowed Mordell--Weil torsion groups for 8D F-theory vacua.


  • The central question of high energy theory revolves around understanding the unification of quantum mechanics and gravity

  • We find that the bordism group of SLð2; ZÞ does predict the appearance of D7-branes

  • We propose to accomplish this by tracking nontrivial duality twists in circle compactifications of type IIB string theory

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The central question of high energy theory revolves around understanding the unification of quantum mechanics and gravity. For the duality bundles on the boundary circle to trivialize in the two-dimensional bulk one needs to include physical objects of codimension two, which induce general SLð2; ZÞ monodromies These are exactly the 1⁄2p; qŠ 7-branes of the type IIB setup. One concludes that all possible Γ-bundles on the circle trivialize in the higher-dimensional bulk only if the obtained modular curve is genus zero and has no nontrivial one-cycles This shows that the moduli space needs to be connected after the inclusion of the codimension two defects, in accord with the conjecture of Ref. While we have presented some extremely nontrivial checks of our proposal in the context of type IIB vacua, we expect that these considerations apply for any quantum theory of gravity with D macroscopic dimensions in which we have a non-Abelian duality group which acts on a. C-branes, which capture the full non-Abelian structure of the associated transition functions

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