
Svx proteins are virulence factors secreted by phytopathogenic bacteria of the Pectobacterium genus into the host plant cell wall. Svx-encoding genes are present in almost all species of the soft rot Pectobacteriaceae (Pectobacterium and Dickeya genera). The Svx of P. atrosepticum (Pba) has been shown to be a gluzincin metallopeptidase that presumably targets plant extensins, proteins that contribute to plant cell wall rigidity and participate in cell signaling. However, the particular "output" of the Pba Svx action in terms of plant-pathogen interactions and plant immune responses remained unknown. The Svx proteins are largely unexplored in Dickeya species, even though some of them have genes encoding two Svx homologs. Therefore, our study aims to compare the structural and catalytic properties of the Svx proteins of Pba and D. solani (Dso) and to test the phytoimmune properties of these proteins. Two assayed Dso Svx proteins, similar to Pba Svx, were gluzincin metallopeptidases with conservative tertiary structures. The two domains of the Svx proteins form electronegative clefts where the active centers of the peptidase domains are located. All three assayed Svx proteins possessed phytoimmunosuppressory properties and induced ethylene-mediated plant susceptible responses that play a decisive role in Pba-caused disease.

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