
<p><em>Evaluation of a swimming-intervention targeting female ethnical minorities.<br /> </em><em>A health-promoting intervention in Korskærparken, established by the municipality of Fredericia, has been evaluated to identify potentials and barriers in health promotion targeting ethnic minorities. Factors that had a major effect in the success of the intervention were; a nearly cost free arrangement; the target groups ownership in the intervention; the fact that cultural and gender barriers were taken into account and the recruitment of participants through the local community, mentors and other participants. Barriers included dependence on economic support and practical arrangement. </em><strong><em></em></strong></p>


  • A health-promoting intervention in Korskærparken, established by the municipality of Fredericia, has been evaluated to identify potentials and barriers in health promotion targeting ethnic minorities

  • Fredericia kommunes ”Projekt Bydelssundhed” har haft stor succes med en svømmeintervention målrettet kvinder med anden etnisk baggrund end dansk

  • For Fredericia kommune har det betydet opstarten af Projekt Bydelssundhed i Korskærparken, hvis formål er at reducere kommunens sociale ulighed i sundhed på sigt (Fredericia Kommune, 2013)

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Procesevaluering af en svømmeintervention

Pernille Tangaard Andersen. Forskningsenheden for Sundhedsfremme, Syddansk Universitet. Carsten Kronborg Bak. Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi, Aalborg Universitet Camilla Tykgaard Clausen. Forskningsenheden for Sundhedsfremme, Syddansk Universitet.

Præsentation af interventionen
Svømmeinterventionens baggrund
Motion og afslapning i vand kun for kvinder
Procesevalueringens metode og datagrundlag
Interventionen ramte målgruppen
Interventionen opfyldte formålet
Viden om sund livsstil
Muligheder og barrierer
Full Text
Paper version not known

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