
This paper is part of a wider research project and focuses on the model adopted for evaluating the impact and effectiveness of online teaching and learning, enabling students to adopt a critical approach which could be extended to any online resource which they may use for their lifelong learning. Technology plays a fundamental role in everyone’s life and must be approached critically, especially by young people entering the labor market for the first time. The Laboratory for experimental pedagogy (Lps) based at the Department of Education – Roma Tre University has been working, since 2010, on research focusing on the enhancement of students’ critical thinking skills to foster the development and promotion of the critical use of technology in education. The present contribution describes how giving students the tools to carry out an evaluative analysis of the resource they are accessing can enable them develop their analytical and critical thinking skills. It can also help them gaining insight into the importance of learning to learn and independently evaluate the quality of online digital resources both as learners and future educators. Doing so it is possible to overcome brief term instrumental characteristics of tools and promote long term evaluation processes (Vertecchi, 2012).

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