
This paper introduces a new model for image texture classification based on wavelet transformation and singular value decomposition. The probability density function of the singular values of wavelet transformation coefficients of image textures is modeled as an exponential function. The model parameter of the exponential function is estimated using maximum likelihood estimation technique. Truncation of lower singular values is employed to classify textures in the presence of noise. Kullback-Leibler distance (KLD) between estimated model parameters of image textures is used as a similarity metric to perform the classification using minimum distance classifier. The exponential function permits us to have closed-form expressions for the estimate of the model parameter and computation of the KLD. These closed-form expressions reduce the computational complexity of the proposed approach. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on the entire 111 textures from Brodatz database. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach improves recognition rates using a lower number of parameters on large databases. The proposed approach achieves higher recognition rates compared to the traditional sub-band energy-based approach, the hybrid IMM/SVM approach, and the GGD-based approach.

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