
This paper proposes a new method for information hiding based on secret fragment visible mosaic image. This algorithm incorporates the application of color transfer for the mosaic image generation to hide the secret information. Since the RGB color space has strong correlation between three color channels, the modification process of any color is complicated in this color space. The large size of bit stream of recovery information of secret image block sequence creates an additional problem. We present a new way to solve these problems using the color transfer technique in correlated color space. The pixel value is considered as a three dimensional stochastic variable and image as a set of samples. Color transformation is achieved by the geometrical transformations such as translation, scaling and rotation. The correlation between the color spaces is measured and further used for the color transfer process by exploring the covariance. In order to get the robust encryption and lower bit rate requirement, the combination of logistic map and Chebyshev map is used to generate the encryption sequence of the secret image.

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