
Education has been regarded as the greatest force that can be used to bring about developmental changes. It is the highest investment any nation can make for the development of its economic, physical; social and human resources. Education provides the needed manpower, knowledge and skills to win a nation’s state for sustainable all round growth and accelerated development as well as holds the master key that unlocks a country’s potentials towards national transformation and development. For a state or nation to achieve sustainable development, the quality of its education should be improved. Quality education connotes the education that is pedagogically and developmentally sound and educates the students in becoming active and productive members of society. This paper explains the importance of qualitative education to the growth and development of Nigeria. It looked at the concepts of qualitative education, national development and the nexus between education and national development. The paper provides an insight into the various challenges bedeviling qualitative education in Nigeria, such as; gender equity in education, shortage of teachers, inadequate infrastructure, overcrowding, funding, and so on. The paper made recommendations for enhancing qualitative education in Nigeria for enhanced growth and development.

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