
On the basis of strategic initiatives and an evolving focus on educational program enhancement, faculty and staff members designed a structured program to provide leadership and resources for improving instruction and disseminating educational scholarship in a veterinary college. The University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine Master Teacher Program was conceptualized in the teaching academy model as a forum for professional development and dialogue. A small leadership team worked with other faculty to develop the program proposal, including its mission, vision, values, and initial goals. Programming includes monthly meetings to discuss a range of policy, theoretical, and practical topics, as well as periodic workshops focused on current strategic initiatives or hot topics. Ten years later, the program continues to successfully connect educators and have an impact on the college and profession. Attendance has grown steadily; feedback has been positive. Participants rate the program's overall value highly, particularly its impact on their teaching, the opportunity to stay current in educational topics, and the opportunity to learn from colleagues. Discussions within the program have provided valuable input for college policy and practices. Keys to sustained success have included a historical culture emphasizing the teaching mission, alignment with college goals, consistency in leadership and programming, periodic revisions and rebranding, and attention to new faculty and staff needs. This article describes the development, growth, and perceived impact of the program and emphasizes lessons learned and actions taken to sustain its success without additional personnel and at minimal cost.

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