
Purpose: The present research work was to develop and evaluate In situ gels of Sparfloxacin . Method/approach: In situ gels were prepared by using HPMC and carbopol based on the concept of pH trigger gelation systems.Formulations were evaluated for gelling capacity, drug content, clarity, viscosity and In vitro release. Findings: FTIR studies showed that the drug and excipients were compatible. Experimental part showed that viscosity of sols was increased with increase in the concentration of polymers and the solutions showed pseudoplastic behaviour. Sol-to-gel transformation occurred in the presence of simulated tear fluid of pH 7.4. The drug content was found satisfactory. The In vitro release profile of Sparfloxacin from the S3 formulation have shown least drug release (72.34 %) in 8 hrs compared to formulation S2 that is 77.30%, the correlation coefficient ‘r’ indicated that the drug release followed diffusion controlled mechanism from the In situ gels. Sparfloxacin has In vitro activity against a wide range of gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.The antimicrobial studies against Streptococcus aureus were showed positive results. The formulations were therapeutically efficacious, sterile and provided sustained release of the drug over a period of time. Application/Value: These results demonstrate that the developed system is an alternative to conventional drug delivery system.

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