
Sustainably managing agriculture and forests is key for development, in particular in Africa, and for facing global challenges such as climate change or food security, but requires reliable information. As Earth Observation (EO) satellite data can contribute to these information needs, more and more institutes integrate this technology into their daily work. Facing ever-growing and evolving EO data sources (e.g. new satellites and sensors) and access technology (both online and via EUMETCast satellite broadcast), their applications require software tools to particularly facilitate (i) the exchange of data between the analysis tools, so users can take advantage of each tool’s strengths, and (ii) the processing and analysis of time series. A first example is the Land Surface Analysis Satellite Application Facility (LSA-SAF), that entered the second part of the Continuous Development and Operations Phase (CDOP-2), under the lead of the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), in 2011. VITO, joining the LSA-SAF network for the first time and building on previous experiences (e.g. http://www.metops10.vito.be), aims to contribute by producing and delivering operational, 10-daily vegetation indicators based on MetOp-AVHRR. Furthermore, a software tool is developed to aid exploitation of LSA-SAF products, provisionally called “MSG Toolbox”. A second example is the AGRICAB project, that receives funding from the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme for Research (FP7) and aims to build a comprehensive framework for strengthening capacities in the use of EO for agriculture and forestry management in Africa. This framework starts from sustained access to relevant satellite data (e.g. CBERS-3, DEIMOS) and derived products, such as those from the European Copernicus Global Land service, the 15 year time series of SPOT-VEGETATION (and its transition to PROBA-V) and Meteosat Second Generation (e.g. rainfall estimates). It combines local and EO data with tools and training into applications on crop monitoring, area statistics and yield forecasting, livestock insurance and modelling, forest and fire management, all fitted to the needs of stakeholders in the African focus countries.

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