
The majority of water to the Olympic Dam mine and the nearby townships of Roxby Downs and Andamooka is supplied from the Great Artesian Basin (GAB). There are no permanent local water sources available to Olympic Dam. The use of water from the Great Artesian Basin by Olympic Dam receives considerable attention by BHP Billiton and is extensively regulated by the Government of South Australia. Olympic Dam has robust business management systems in place to ensure the sustainable use of water from the GAB including ISO9001 and ISO14001 systems to deliver the targeted outcomes and obligations of the Olympic Dam Environmental Management and Monitoring Program. The management systems ensure that Olympic Dam retains accountability for its water demand from the GAB over the life of the mine. This accountability has delivered continuous improvement in water use efficiency driven by operating discipline, implementation of water saving projects, using water on a fit for purpose basis including substitution from non-GAB sources, and risk management to prevent and mitigate water supply disruptions to Olympic Dam and Roxby Downs. Since the establishment of Olympic Dam, BHP Billiton has funded a reduction in GAB water flow from bores, previously going to waste, that is greater than the annual average flow used by Olympic Dam.

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