
Abstract Findings coming from many research projects focused on city logistics (SUGAR, BESTFACT, BESTUFS, ENCLOSE, etc.) show not only a great need for appropriate data collection (statistical, dynamic) that allows to specify cargo flow rate and its direction but also for drawing the correct conclusion from the data (data acquisition and analysis). Collection of comprehensive data is a basis for creating strategic plans of logistic and spatial development, introduce stimulus mechanism and confine to selected ways of acting at the local level. This paper aims to present and discuss the result of survey carried out within the area of the City of Poznan among economic entities conducting economic activity within its area. The goal of the survey was to estimate and understand the freight demand generated by the economic activities in the Poznan Functional Urban Area – FUA (obtain information on the urban freight processes, infrastructure and its stakeholders in the area). The research is a part of the European SULPiTER research project (Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning To Enhance Regional freight transport), the leading theme of which is the sustainable planning of urban logistics for cities and regions.

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