
This paper presents research work on the development of a green type of ultra-high-performance concrete using ground glass powders with different degrees of fineness (UHPGC). This article presents the development of an innovative, low-cost, and sustainable UHPGC through the use of glass powder to replace cement, and quartz powder particles. An UHPGC with a compressive strength (fc) of up to 220 MPa was prepared and its fresh, and mechanical properties were investigated. The test results indicate that the fresh UHPGC properties were improved when the cement and quartz powder were replaced with non-absorptive glass powder particles. The strength improvement can be attributed to the glass powder’s pozzolanicity and to its mechanical performance (very high strength and elastic modulus of glass). A case study of using this UHPGC is presented through the design and construction of a footbridge. Erection of footbridge at University of Sherbrooke Campus using UHPGC is also presented as a full-scale application.

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