
The issue of sustainability has been a focus in the transportation industry. With the development of global business operations, increasing container demand causes transportation issues, and many trucking companies make truck assignment and driver scheduling decisions based on managerial experience, leading to capacity underutilization. A further consequence is traffic congestion and pollution issues influencing customer satisfaction. The key purpose of this study is to explore dynamic interactions among different dimensions of a sustainable transportation system, from the perspective of trucking companies. The design of this research is to firstly propose how the pillars of sustainability are interrelated, and then, to develop an integrated sustainable transportation management (STM) model, in terms of building a decision support system for trucking companies to make strategic decisions. The system is built for this research focusing on STM, and to realize the integration of sustainability into a decision support system. The practical implication of this study is to explore sustainability issues raised from the Ports of Auckland (POAL), a customer's warehouse and a process of container movement among trucking companies.

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