
The paper considers one of the aspects of sustainable development - sustainable tourism development in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals aimed at preserving the natural resources of the marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The research of this phenomenon is carried out using the analysis of regulatory legal acts in force in the field of tourism. Since most authors consider the purpose of travel to be one of the generally accepted criteria for dividing into types of tourism, the study was conducted on the basis of one of the most common types of tourism – health-improving tourism, the conceptual apparatus of which is formed under the influence of various conceptual approaches, based on the actual resource potential and features of the promotion of tourist services in the territories of tourist destinations. The proposals on amendments and additions to the existing regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation determine the priority of the concept of “sustainable development” in the field of tourism activities.


  • The development of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the subsequent proclamation by the UNO a Decade for Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) form a trajectory of effective management of the planet's resources to achieve sustainability of transnational political, economic and socio-cultural relations

  • The achievement of SDG 14 and SDG 15 aimed at the conservation and rational use of marine and terrestrial ecosystems will allow us to use natural resources for recreation and health improvement of tourists; SDG 8 – to create additional jobs both in tourism and in related industries; within the framework of SDG 12 – as a result of ensuring rational consumption and production patterns, the destructive impact on nature will be reduced

  • The main principles of sustainable tourism include the rational use of natural resources of ecosystems, the use of innovative resource-saving technologies in the territory of tourist destinations and specially protected natural areas, the preservation of the natural habitat of fauna and flora, the formation of eco-friendly thinking and a responsible attitude to consumption

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The development of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the subsequent proclamation by the UNO a Decade for Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) form a trajectory of effective management of the planet's resources to achieve sustainability of transnational political, economic and socio-cultural relations. Under these conditions, the concept of tourism development (the industry provides jobs for up to 10% of the world's working population and its effectiveness is largely determined by the complex impact of external factors: preservation and accessibility of ecosystems, the political and epidemiological situation, e.g. the COVID-19 pandemic, development of infrastructure, etc.) is formed in accordance with the relevant sustainable development goals. According to [1], the following indicators are used to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in tourism: the change in the number of tourists, the calculation of indicators of permissible tourist loads, preservation of forest and water resources, waste management rules, the level of employment in the tourism sector, the level of economic efficiency, etc.

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