
This study aims to evaluate the environmental impact of various sustainable strategies implemented within the food supply chain, utilizing Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a core methodology. The paper begins by identifying critical points in the food supply chain where sustainability practices can be integrated, ranging from agricultural production to processing, distribution, consumption, and waste management. Through a comprehensive review and application of LCA, the research quantifies the environmental benefits and trade-offs of adopting practices such as reduced use of chemical inputs, implementation of circular economy principles, and enhancement of logistics and packaging solutions. The findings demonstrate that strategic interventions in the supply chain can significantly reduce carbon footprints, water usage, and waste generation, contributing to the overall sustainability of the food system. The study further discusses the implications of these strategies for stakeholders, including policymakers, producers, retailers, and consumers, highlighting the importance of collaborative efforts in achieving sustainable outcomes. Additionally, the paper explores the challenges and opportunities in scaling these practices, considering technological, economic, and social factors. The research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on sustainable food systems and offers practical insights for implementing LCA in evaluating and improving environmental performance in the food supply chain.

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