
The study was conducted in selected sago-specialized villages in Sentani, West Sentani, and Waibu Districts between July and December 2021. The primary data were obtained through interviews with local figures, academicians, sago farmers, merchants, and sago processing business actors. The secondary data were obtained from previous research results published by research institutes, and Jayapura Regional Government relevant to the sago development program, sago production, and land area. A qualitative descriptive sociocultural analysis was made following farmers’ sociocultural conditions. The sago management institutionalization analysis was made based on the functions of sago management. The business analysis of sago starch production and sago cakes was made based using the Revenue/cost ratio. The study found that market and sociocultural institutionalization plays an important role in sustainable sago management. The result of the business feasibility analysis indicated that sago starch production and sago cake business are feasible for further development. The direction of sustainable sago management includes 1) a Sago-specialized village program, 2) Small-scale sago processing businesses, and 3) a sago variety conservation program.

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