
The drive toward an efficient use of finite resources and the emphasis on sustainability that characterises CE (Circular Economy) models is also shared by many space projects, as summarised decades ago with the catchphrase 'Spaceship Earth'. Carrying out a comparison of the applications of circular economy models and the space industry's best practice, the article argues that the space sector represents a sort of 'native environment' for circular economy and shows how to apply more efficiently those same CE principles down to Earth. Adopting a case-study approach and using evidence from a close-loop system originally conceived for life in a space environment (ESA-MELiSSA for water treatment), this study demonstrates how the space sector is not only fully 'CE compliant' but also provides a comprehensive framework to further extend the remit of the CE philosophy. If the world economy is indeed at the onset of a new industrial revolution (the so-called Industry 4.0), the space sector can offer insights on how to this revolution can be made both inclusive and sustainable.

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