
Vegetation Filters (VFs) can be a sustainable solution to treat wastewater and to recover resources such as nutrients, water and biomass from small municipalities and isolated dwellings. However, under certain conditions, the leakage of nutrients, especially of nitrate, can represent a limitation. The addition of two sustainable soil amendments, woodchips and biochar, has been tested as a strategy to improve nutrient attenuation in VFs increasing sorption sites and microbial activity.To this end, unsaturated infiltration and batch experiments have been carried out at laboratory scale. The systems for infiltration experiments contain natural soil, natural soil amended with woodchips and natural soil amended with biochar. To determine the sorption capacity of NH4+, batch tests were performed using an amendment/SWW ratio of 1:20 and an NH4+ initial concentration ranging from 30 to 600 mg L−1.Results from the infiltration experiments show a high attenuation (~95%) of total phosphorous (TP) independently of the amendments. Different behaviour is observed for total nitrogen (TN). The removal of this species is obtained only in the soil amended with woodchips (>85%) whereas the natural soil alone and the soil with biochar have no impact on TN attenuation. In these two porous media, all the NH4+ input concentration is transformed to NO3− that infiltrates without further reactions. According to batch experiment results, the potential role of biochar in the nutrient attenuation is limited to sorption processes (Kd (NH4+) = 21.37–193.18 L kg−1). Woodchips act primarily as a labile source of carbon promoting biodegradation, being more effective for nutrient attenuation than the sorption capacity of biochar.

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