
Currently, beekeeping activities are being abandoned in the Camino Real region, which encompasses the communities of Tenabo, Hecelchakán, Dzitbalché and Calkiní, where the Tren Maya railroad lines cross, impacting indigenous beekeepers by modifying the land usage of the territory in section 2, presenting great deficiencies in these practices that are fundamental for the economy of families. This article proposes the design of an Internet of Things (IoT) based monitoring station prototype, which will measure the following variables: humidity, indoor temperature, outdoor temperature, average population and whether the box is open or closed; the information will be acquired by sensors and sent to an ESP32 microcontroller. Three essential components are required for its operation: Installation of a LAN Network, development of the IoT prototype and the Mobile Application. The purpose of the study is to design and deploy the prototype in Apis Mellifera Apiaries using a quasi-experimental and descriptive methodology, destined to improve the production of apiaries in the northern region of the state of Campeche, providing beekeepers with timely information of the hives for effective decision making.

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