
AbstractIn intensive poultry production, particularly in developing countries like Nigeria, addressing the issues of agricultural waste and feed costs for farmers is crucial. This study explores a solution by incorporating cassava waste into broiler chicken diets. The research examines its effects on economic factors, growth performance, carcass yield, and agricultural waste utilization over 8 weeks. Three hundred broiler chickens were divided into three groups: a control group without cassava waste and two treatment groups with 10% and 15% cassava waste inclusion. Results showed that a 10% inclusion improved key performance indicators such as weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, and carcass weight, while a 15% inclusion was less efficient than the control. Economically, diets with 10% and 15% cassava tuber waste were more cost‐effective than the control, emphasizing the economic benefits of cassava‐based diets for broiler chickens, and offering a sustainable, cost‐efficient feeding option for poultry farmers.

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