
The state of sugar in Indonesia which is decreasing in terms of production, the imbalance between production and consumption, can occur due to two things, both on-farm and off-farm. Planting in monoculture for a long period of time will cause reduced soil fertility conditions so that sugarcane productivity decreases. Sustainable nutrient management in sugarcane plantations is an effort made to obtain optimal and profitable productivity, while still trying not to damage the environment so that it can be sustainable and its productivity can be maintained in the long term. Several concepts for sustainability have been put forward by many experts, including the use of site-specific fertilizers, maintaining soil fertility by using sugar processing by-products and the use of humic. It is hoped that some of these application methods can maintain sugarcane plantations to be sustainable.


  • The state of sugar in Indonesia which is decreasing in terms of production, the imbalance between production and consumption, can occur due to two things, both on-farm and off-farm

  • Use of sugarcane industrial by-products for improving sugarcane productivity and soil health

  • Effects of humic substances derived from organic waste enhancement on the growth and mineral nutrition of maize

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Sustainable Nutrient Management in Sugarcane Fields

Anna Kusumawati1*, Syamsu Alam2 1Program Studi Pengelolaan Perkebunan D-IV, Politeknik LPP, Yogyakarta (55222), Indonesia 2Jurusan Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari (93232), Indonesia. ABSTRAK Keadaan pergulaan di Indonesia yang semakin menurun dari sisi produksinya, ketidakseimbangan antara produksi dan konsumsi, terjadi bisa disebabkan karena dua hal, baik on-farm maupun off-farm. Penanaman secara monokultur dalam jangka waktu yang lama akan menyebabkan kondisi kesuburan tanah berkurang sehingga produktifitas tanaman tebu menurun. Pengelolaan hara lestari pada pertanaman tebu ini merupakan sebuah upaya yang dilakukan mendapatkan produktivitas optimal dan menguntungkan, dengan tetap berupaya tidak melakukan perusakan terhadap lingkungan sehingga dapat lestari dan dapat dipertahankan produktivitasnya dalam jangka panjang. Beberapa konsep agar lestari banyak dikemukakan para pakar diantaranya penggunaan pupuk spefisik lokasi, mempertahankan kesuburan tanah dengan menggunakan produk samping pengolahan gula dan penggunaan humat. Diharapkan beberapa cara aplikasi tesebut dapat mempertahankan pertanaman tebu agar lestari. Kata kunci: sustainable nutrient management; tebu; monokultur

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Pengaruh Pemberian Jamur Mikoriza
Impacts of Biochar and Other Amendments on
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