
The Covid-19 pandemic has shifted tourists’ preferences towards natural open spaces offering opportunities for social distancing, enjoying natural beauty, and engaging in recreational activities that support physical and mental well-being. However, some of these tourist destinations lack proper regulations, leading to unsustainability issues. This research aims to formulate criteria for prioritizing tourist attraction objects or Objek Daya Tarik Wisata (ODTW) in North Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan. The study employs expert judgment to ensure the selection process considers ecological, social, and economic factors. A set of criteria is then formulated to guide the selection of nature tourism objects. The criteria include alignment with regional spatial planning, compatibility with regional development plans, consistency with tourism development plans, and exclusion from mining permit areas, proximity to urban centres and transportation hubs, and inclusion as assets of the local government. Based on the established criteria, Trinsing reservoir and Trahean reservoir with its Panglima Batur camping ground are selected as priority ODTW. However, the evaluation reveals that each selected ODTWs still faces shortcomings in attraction, accessibility, amenity, and ancillary aspects. Consequently, there is a need for appropriate development and management strategies to address these challenges and enhance the ecotourism potential in the Regency.

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