
This contribution presents the results of research carried out in two areas of the Peruvian Amazon within the framework of two community projects for technology transfer and capacity development in construction with bamboo, with the objective of designing and building a modular prototype with bamboo for 1/1 scale with the function of a community center, capable of incorporating sustainable strategies, replicability and adaptability, as an architectural alternative to the deterioration of the Amazonian natural and cultural habitat. The methodology contemplates two phases of experimentation, the first of design and construction of the Model Prototype in the Southwest Amazon (Pilcopata), studying the local context, the bamboo species, the participatory construction process, to formulate the modular proposal with the function of a Center Tourist Community; the second validation of the Prototype, identifying the bamboo species and adding a module in the design format for use in the Communal Transformation Center in the Central Amazon (Native Community of Pampa Michi), both executed with the local population. Among the results, the efficiency, practicality and flexibility of the design and construction stand out, and the verification of sustainable strategies, with the use of carbon neutral materials such as bamboo, the revaluation of traditional knowledge with palm leaves and the replicability in similar conditions with models of participatory learning, which validate the Prototype. In a third phase, the construction processes are systematized, being part of the Manual for the construction of light structures with bamboo in Peru.

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