
Logistics is one of the sectors that requires large investments of resources and planning in an organization. At the same time, it also demands maximum operational efficiency. Because of its impacts on a company’s processes, it is possible to realize quickly the benefits that sustainable initiatives enable. This paper aims to optimize the newspaper delivery process of a printing company located in the city of Curitiba, in the State of Parana, Brazil. For this purpose, the mathematical model of the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is applied, and then, based on the optimized deliveries proposal, the intention is to evaluate the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions with the help of the GHG Protocol calculation tool. This tool is widely used by companies and governments in GHG inventories because it is in line with the parameters of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). With the application of the proposed methodology, companies can find a new solution for the distribution process, demonstrating its economic, social and environmental responsibility. With regard to the economic aspect, operational costs will be reduced. From a social viewpoint, there is a greater customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the number of respiratory diseases will be reduced due to fewer emissions of atmospheric pollutants. In terms of the environment, there is a reduction in GHG. All these factors correspond to competitive advantages over other competitors. The tools presented here can be replicated in logistics distribution processes of a wide variety of segments, and is intended to increase sustainability in this segment.

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