
AbstractThe demand for alternative healthcare delivery services is accelerating at unsustainable levels. Health systems and healthcare practitioners must assess the social and economic consequences of the service they provide and determine innovative methods of delivering health care without compromising quality. The present study poses the following questions: (i) What complementary and alternative healthcare methods are available in the business of health care? (ii) How can patients be effectively served by healthcare practitioners to achieve sustainable innovation? This research was performed through a desk-based approach, and searches were performed through electronic tracking and snowballing of references of peer-reviewed journal articles published in English. From the review, it was discovered that practitioners need to establish strategies for sustainable alternative healthcare delivery due to global awareness and the importance of alternative healthcare delivery to the global healthcare system. Therefore, industry leaders should strive to make the healthcare delivery system more innovative and sustainable by promoting deliveries through policies that promote ethically manufactured and environmentally friendly products and services.KeywordsAlternative medicineHealthcare deliveryHealthcare practitionersInnovationMedicineSustainability

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