
Shobha Raghuram is a development writer. She is trained inphilosophy and applied development studies. She did her post-doctoral research in philosophy and epistemology at the Universityof Sorbonne, Paris and subsequently worked at the Centre for theStudy of Development Studies, Delhi on sociology of science beforejoining Hivos Regional office, India. She was director between 2002and 2007. She has returned to full time research apart from beinga development consultant. She has been advisor to WHO andUNDP, and visiting senior fellow at the Centre for Population andDevelopment Studies, Harvard University. She serves on the EditorialAdvisory Board of Development, the Advisory Council of theSustainable Futures Academy, Salzburg apart from many other publicinterest bodies. She is currently working on her book, RethinkingDevelopment: The Politics of Social Change.KEYWORDS solar; democracy; science; technology; social justice;asymmetries

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