
Sustainable development is the process to meet the needs of the present without sacrificing the ability of Mure generations to meet theirs. Sexual delinquency is considered as a form of violence, which is defined as the intentional use of physical force of pc}wer,threatened or actual, against another person, or against a group that either results in (or has a high likelihood of resulting in) injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation. Public Health is i.a. concerned as aiming at 1) preventing interpersonal violence, which includes family and intimate partner violence, and violence between acquaintances and strangers that is not intended to fhrther the aims of any formally defined group or cause and at 2) the sharing of ideas about enhancing interpersonal violence and sexual delinquency prevention efforts at communal, national, regional and international levels around the global world. Social exclusion is the breakdown of the structural, cultural and moral ties which bind the individual to society; social inclusion implies the formal and substantial right of being a citizen, that is having the actual capacity to exercise the rights and obligations connected with being a full member of society, with the development of his or her individuality within the framework of different social contexts. The whole range of institutions is modeled as an open-ended non-static conception of the public realm and the institutional set-up, subjected to continuous renegotiation and redefinition, Two examples of good practice show the difficulties of riskassessment and treatment. They show that key-elements as privacy, professional secrecy and the relationship between helping and helped people are in transfer. There is a huge need to measure the performances of the different actors in this process, to accompany on a scientific basis the evolution of the process and to explore a global framework for prevention of these crimes. The main aim is networking with different groups of experts in discussion and meetings in order to share expertise and to build tlrrther in a inter- multi- and transdisciplinary setting.

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