
Dr Futagami, a graduate of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University, Japan, with degrees (in Language Studies) from Columbia University Teachers' College, USA; (in Anthropology) from Pennsylvania State University; and Tsuda College, Tokyo, is on the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Asian Studies, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Administration, Japan. Her major publications, reflecting her main fields of study on regional development, regional planning and American studies, include "Appalachia: A region politically invented and restored through civic actions," NUCB Journal of Economics and Management,47, 2: 261-281 (2003) (in Japanese); The evolution of local initiatives in rural America," NUCB Journal of Economics and Management, 46, 2: 267-299 (2002); Transformation of Regional Policies Toward Sustainable Development: The Evolving Synthesis of Government Intervention and Local Initiatives: Ph.D. dissertation submitted to Kyushu University, Japan (2001); "Regional development of the Tennessee Valley and transformation of local economic and natural environment," Regional Development Studies, 6: 67-94 (2000); Jean Gottmann's Urban Studies: Megalopolis to Since Megalopolis, CrossCulture, 1 1: 343-374 (1993) (in Japanese); co-authored with Y. Miyakawa,"Japan's World Map Museum: Global environment, mega-infrastructure,and remote sensing," Sistema Terra, 2, 2: 56-64 (1993); and many other articles both in English and in Japanese.

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