
The Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey, with a mountainous coastline of 39,203 km² (5.1% of the country) and population of 2.6 million (2009 census) has the highest peaks (above 3,900 m) in the central part of the region. Annual rainfall in the coastal areas ranges from 2,000 to 2,500 mm resulting most dense forests in the region. Natural features in the Eastern Black Sea region make living conditions harsh; In addition, the area is difficult to access due to its distance from developed areas and insufficient infrastructure. The mountain areas in this region suffer lack of adequate basic services such as transportation, communication, education, and healthcare (Somuncu and Inci, 2004). Mountains in the Eastern Black Sea Region are less-developed areas. As a result of the inadequacy of incomes and the limited availability of basic services such as transportation, health services and education, local people have been continuously migrating from mountains since 1950s. Sustainable development is needed to reduce and stop emigrations from the region.

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