
Peace is the main necessity and most essential element in the realization of sustainable development. Insecurity spurs man towards seeking and safeguarding modern goals, depleting the required resources and energy towards attaining modern development. Insecurity makes improvement of human condition illusive. Notwithstanding, developing societies Nigeria inclusive are replete with budding civil conflicts, militancy, terrorism, and banditry etc. In this paper, we contend that the nexus of insecurity and sustainable development lies on the crux of specific type of insecurity within a region. First, empirical data and policy discuss on insecurity and development connection were reviewed, then we explored how the connection ensue within different regions in Nigeria. In the third and main section, we reviewed the types of insecurity in different regions in Nigeria examining their differences and commonalties, consequently x-raying its influence on development. The paper finally concludes with considerable evidence that though Nigeria is generally not a safe nation however, the nature of insecurity differs within regions with divergent implications on development as such one side-fits all mechanism towards abating insecurity in Nigeria will remain futile. We therefore recommend multi-dimensional strategy to help ameliorate the dual dire challenges of insecurity and underdevelopment in Nigeria.

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