
Abstract Recommendation systems are an important feature in the proposed virtual life, where users are often stuck with choices most of the time and need help to be able to find what they are looking for. In this work, contentbased techniques have been employed in the proposed recommender system in two ways, a deep review for content and features contents such as (cast, crew, keywords, and genres) has been conducted. A preprocessing stage using TF-IDF and CountVectorizer methods have been employed efficiently to prepare the dataset for any similarity measurements. Cosine similarity algorithm has been employed as well with and without sigmoid and linear kernals. The achieved result proves that similarities between movies using TF-IDF with - Cosine similarity (sigmoid kernel) overcomes the TF-IDF with - Cosine similarity (linear_kernel) and Cosine similarity with CountVectorizer in collaborative filtering. The accuracy values of different machine learning models are validated with K-fold Cross Validator techniques. The performance evaluation has been measured using ROOT Mean Square Error and Mean Absolute Error. Five Machine learning algorithms (NormalPredictor, SVD, KNNBasic (with k=20 and K=10), KNNBasic (with sim_options), and NMF (in several rating scales)). Accuracies are finally been validated with 3 folds from each validator. The best achieved RMSE and MAE scores are using SVD (RMSE = 90%) and (MAE = 69%), followed by KNNBasic (with sim_options, K= 20), NMF, KNNBasic (K=20), KNNBasic (K=10), ending with KNNBasic(sim_options, K= 10). Keywords: Recommendation System, Sustainable Development, Artificial Intelligence, Collaborative Filtering, Content-Based, Cosine Similarity, Movies Recommendation, NLP, Machine Learning Application.

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