
The sustainable management of construction waste represents a major challenge in promoting the circular economy. Construction is responsible for a significant amount of waste, and its proper management is essential to minimize environmental impact and create an efficient circular system. This article examines the challenges and opportunities associated with the sustainable management of construction waste. Challenges include the diversity and complexity of materials used in construction, as well as the need to develop adequate infrastructures for waste collection, sorting and recycling. However, there are also many opportunities in promoting the sustainable management of construction waste. The circular economy offers the opportunity to turn waste into valuable resources through recycling, reuse and reuse. To fully exploit these opportunities, collaboration between the public and private sectors is required, as well as the development of coherent policies and regulations for the management of construction waste. In conclusion, the sustainable management of construction waste represents both a challenge and an opportunity in promoting the circular economy. By adopting effective strategies and policies, implementing innovative technologies and involving all stakeholders, we can help reduce the impact of construction waste on the environment and build a more sustainable future. This paper was supported by the State Program 20.80009.0807.22 Development of the mechanism for the formation of the circular economy in the Republic of Moldova.

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