
In the article actualizes the role of network and cluster interaction mechanisms in the system of food security of the state and regions, in particular. The structuring of network and cluster interaction mechanisms of the constituent entities of the agricultural sector have been conducted taking into account the balance of economic interests. The existing forms of inter-firm interactions, restrictive pattern and possibilities of various collaboration forms application on the models comparative analysis of industrial cluster structures basis of in the world economy are revealed. The specific features of inter-firm interaction in agro-industrial cluster structures on the basis of comparative analysis of foreign practices and existing models experience (including their structural elements) in the regions of the Russian Federation in the context of agricultural sectors have been defined. The results of the comparative analysis (interpreted as a matrix) underlying the formation of models of economic behaviour of subjects on the basis of network interaction of the participants (non-diversified and multiprofile models). The proposed business model of cluster interaction of participants can be used by regional public authorities in making management decisions regarding the formation of economic policy, ensuring food independence and sustainability of innovation and investment development of regions through the introduction of the cluster approach.

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