
KUB chicken has a great business potency for small enterprise to meet the growing demand of raw material for culinary tourism named Taliwang Chicken, owing to its fast growth trait. Human capital is very important in the management of KUB growing chicken enterprise to be sustainable from an economic, ecological, and social perspective. This paper aims to examine the sustainability of KUB growing chicken enterprise from the perspective of human capital. A survey was conducted from July to September 2021 in Central Lombok Regency as a center for developing of KUB chickens covering 35 farmers. The independent variable observed was human capital consisting of knowledge, skill, motivation, and attitude, while the dependent variable was business sustainability including economic sustainability, ecological sustainability, and social sustainability. These variables were measured using the Likert scale with five alternative answers. The study shows that the KUB growing chicken enterprise has a quite good level of sustainability in term of economic dimension, and high level in terms of ecological and social dimensions. Human capital assessment in the KUB growing chicken enterprise revealed quite high-range reflecting it’s have a great contribution to sustainability. Hence, it is concluded that human capital plays significant roles to sustain small scale KUB growing enterprise.

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