
Preface. Research Agenda L.S. Pereira, et al. Part I: Sustainability Concerns in Irrigated Agriculture. Irrigated Agriculture at the Crossroads M.E. Jensen. Economics of Irrigation I. Carruthers. Institutional Questions and Social Challenges H. Hill, L. Tollefson. Health Impacts of Agricultural Development I. Hespanol. Vulnerability of Soils under Irrigation J. Porta, J. Herrero. Sustainability Concerns of Irrigated Agriculture L.K. Smedema. Part II: Soil and Water Conservation and Water Harvesting (Or Rainfed Systems). Sustainability of Soil and Water Conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa C. Reij, W. Critchley. Soil and Water Conservation in Tunisia H. Missaoui. Water Harvesting - Past and Future D. Prinz. Part III: On-Farm Water Management. Measurement and Estimation of Evapotranspiration B. Itier. Water Use Efficiency P. Steduto. Modeling of Water Flow and Solute Transport for Irrigation and Drainage J.C. van Dam, R.A. Feddes. Irrigation Scheduling D.F. Heermann. Irrigation Scheduling in the Agronomic Practice A. Yazar, et al. Part IV: On-Farm Irrigation and Drainage Systems. Surface Irrigation Systems L.S. Pereira. Sprinkler Irrigation Systems J.R. Gilley. Micro-Irrigation Systems and Fertigation I. Papadopoulos. Drainage of Irrigated Land S. Bouarfa, et al. Part V: Water Quality Management. Salinity Management in Irrigated Agriculture N.K. Tyagi. Use and Management of Saline Water for Irrigation Towards Sustainable Development A. Hamdy. Agrochemicals and Water Management R.S. Kanwar. Water and Nitrate Balance in Irrigated Soils G. Vachaud, et al. Nitrate Leaching Under Irrigated Agriculture F. Moreno, et al. Waste-water Reuse S. Kyritsis. Part VI: Irrigation Scheme Management. Sustainability Concerns in the Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Systems J.A. Sagardoy. Performance Parameters for a Decentralized and Participatory Water Administration J. Chambouleyron. Remote Sensing, GIS and Hydrological Modelling for Irrigation Management M. Menenti, et al. Regulation and Control in Irrigation Systems J. Goussard. Remote Control and Management of Irrigation Delivery Systems P. Kosuth. Part VII: Capacity Building. Role of Consulting Services J. Hennessy. Professional Training Requirements J. Feyen. North-South Cooperative Research on Sustainability of Water Resources Utilization in Agriculture M. Catizzone. Technology Transfer for Sustainable Water Resources Development M. Smith. Part VIII: Regional Perspectives. Sustainability Concerns in Asian Irrigation K. Mohtadullah, et al. Sustaining Irrigated Agriculture in China L. Cai, et al. Sustainability Concerns in African Irrigation F.N. Gichuki. Assessment of Impacts of Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study A. Poulovassilis, et al. Annex I: Format of the Workshop. Annex II: List of Papers Presented to the Workshop. Annex III: List of Participants.

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