
Agriculture is a backbone of economy in the Indian state of Punjab where green revolution has contributed largely to make India self-sufficient in food production. Although it has enhanced food production and consequently the economic returns in agriculture sector, but it has many backlash effects. The intensive agriculture, is posing a serious problem of declining water table in large part of the state where ground water has been exploited in an indiscriminate manner through tube-wells and now submersible pumps. Keeping in view the sustainable agricultural development of the state, there is urgent need for judicious planning and use of the scarce water resource of the state. The use of organic sources like farm yard manure, compost, green manure in a sequence and management of crop residues through recycling holds a great promise for sustaining productivity. At the present stage of agricultural development in the state there is a need to practice farm management approach for improving the inputs use efficiency and developing a scientific system of farming. Further, the use of latest recommended agronomic practices like bi-directional sowing, intercropping, minimum tillage, etc. will not only help in sustaining and stabilizing the present level of production but also increases the profitability.

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