
On average, Indonesia’s chicken slaughter sector consists of Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Businesses (MSMEs), which primarily use domestic product components. The government is concerned with raising national competitiveness, especially for MSMEs, to ensure fair and equitable growth. So that development can be accomplished in a sustainable way, all of these must be accomplished without compromising environmental concerns. The Chicken Slaughterhouse (RPA) MSME industry’s production processes undoubtedly create waste that pollutes the environment. The RPA liquid waste’s high nutrient content must be utilized as a natural resource to aid in the growth of organic and environmentally friendly agriculture. One solution is to use a fermentation process to turn the trash into liquid organic fertilizer. This research was done to ascertain the quality and quantity of macronutrients in liquid biofertilizers as well as the ideal fermentation period for the process. In order to conduct this study, rotten bananas and banana gedebog, EM4, molasses, and chicken manure were added to a reactor containing RPA wastewater. Throughout the 35-day fermentation process, samples were taken on days 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 in order to test the macronutrient content, which included C, N, P, and K, using the UV/VIS, SSA, and N spectrophotometry methods utilizing the Kjeldahl method. The best liquid biofertilizers in this study were made from a combination of RPA waste with banana gedebog, rotten bananas, EM4, molasses (molasses), and skin chicken dung. The mixture fermented for 14 days and contained 17.4 each of the components C-Organic, N-total, K2O, and P2O5 per day. With the exception of the P2O5 level, the liquid organic fertilizer generated complies with Permentan Number 261 of 2019. Notwithstanding this, the liquid organic fertilizer obtained is of higher quality than some fertilizers that have been sold commercially.

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